Session 3, review


A maze of theories…

Participants: TonesRechargeAnewa, Hawkeye

From the get-go it was obvious, that finding a missing girl is not what Hawkeye considers proper shadowrun work. He immediatly started a campaign to involve everyone in looking for work – and more cash – since his investment in a used Buell Spartan off-road bike had left his pockets drained!

Recharge took charge in the development of a never-ending stream of scenarios and theories about what happened to the missing girl – adding to both the general confusion, despair and clarity of it all. guitar-theoryAmong many gems, “the guitar player theory” was one of the most noticeable and entertaining ideas.

Recharge studied the girls DNA profile in great detail, as Tones and Hawkeye hit the streets to catch up with contacts, while Anewa caught up on his ammo shopping.

As the celebrity-look-alike theory somehow won the popular vote, the team decided on the only sensible solution – to visit Asian massage parlors, and asked one of Tones contacts to get a list of high class pimps. After a bit of recce and some more theory development the team found themselves staking out a Russian in the Seattle fish market only to discover his connection to a large boat in the Puget Sound – mental resolve and the fragile skeleton of a plan started to build with the team.

But, Mr. Johnson(s) needed to be told (?) so a quick meeting in the nearby diner was arranged on a late Monday evening. After a very brief negotiation they (Mr. Johnsons) agreed to pay 15,000 ¥ more if the team delivers the packet before Friday.

The wheels were in motion… Recharge hooked up with Double Trouble for extra support as Hawkeye put the word out for a helicopter pilot with hot extract skills and equipment.


  • Recharge has the smallest but still by far the most popular crib to hang in.
  • Everyone but Tones now owns a vehicle.
  • Not a single shot was fired by or at the team.
  • Anewa bought an already famous long white raincoat.


  • ”… bare det er billigt” Hawkeye
  • “Jeg tager ikke telefonen – jeg kører jo bil!” Anewa
  • ”Hvis man spærrer hende inde i en kælder og laver børn på hende, det får man jo intet ud af … eller … jo det gør man vel!” Recharge
  • ”Vi har ingen, status, ingen penge, ingen noget… hvordan skulle det lykkedes? ” Anewa
  • ”Nu bliver det enkelt” Recharge, ”Ja, the gloves are off” Hawkeye
Udgivet i Sessions.

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